Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What is it With Me and Public Transportation?

So I forgot to write about this and can't figure out how to change the order of the posts so it's not exactly chronological. Sue me.

On the way to NY, I had relatively few problems. I actually managed to get on the bus that left an hour before mine and had no stops (mine was supposed to stop in Baltimore), so that was pretty baller.

But, because I was on the bus, there were problems.

Like the bathroom.

It was so stanky. It stank up the entire bus, and I felt like I was a Borrower that got stuck inside a Porta-Potty. Enough people finally complain to the driver and we pull into a CVS, where he gets Downy. Like, the fabric softener with the teddy bear that is simultaneously adorable and mega-creepy.

He pours the Downy down the toilet, and now the bus smells like a combination of spring fresh breeze laundry and poop. I am now inside a dirty diaper.

Traffic sucks, and the bus control panel starts making this AWFUL alarm noise, and this goes on for probably a good 45 minutes before the driver pulls over to figure it out. He doesn't tell anyone what's going on, so I'm convinced that it's a terrorist bomb and we're all about to die a very poopy death.

But apparently whatever the problem was got fixed because the beeping stopped, and we were on the road again. Get to NY with no other problems, and then I go into the train station.

I know the name of the station I'm supposed to get to, but that's it. I don't know what line it's on, or even what company goes there, and obviously I can't find any sort of help kiosk. I try one company, and there's no Metropark station. With some help, I get to the right one, and I'm like, "Oh! Northeastern Corridor to Trenton! That's the line I want!" So I buy my ticket, go to the platform, and get on the train. I sit down and settle in for my ride, and I'm just turning on my iPod when I hear the conductor announce that this train is a semi-express. Whatever that is. He THEN announces that the train will NOT be stopping at like, 3 places, and obviously one of them is Metropark.

Thank god we were still on the platform. I ran off, and went back upstairs to try and figure out what was going on. After some confusion and wandering around and running to the right platform, I make it, and get on board. Smooth sailing from then on. The return trip is obviously another saga entirely.

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