Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Wish Someone Would Take This Away From Me

It physically hurts me to type "power lunch".

I think I am addicted to blogging. And post-it notes.

I guess there are worse things to be addicted to than adhesive yellow reminders, so whateva whateva whateva.

Today, there's an intern luncheon. I know what you're all thinking: "But you already HAD an intern lunch! What do you mean you're getting paid to eat AGAIN?", and I laugh at your logical minds. Corporate America does not abide by the rules of mere mortals.

But for once it seems my life is semi-awesome. *Knocks on wood*

*Realizes it's fake wood and frantically runs around office trying to find real wood*

It's actually a "Luncheon" (as opposed to the oh-so blue-collar "lunch"; we are young professionals in Washington, DC, by God, and we will be as pretentious as we are entitled to be) with interns from other offices in the area. It's being hosted by Duke and AEP, two of our member companies, so we'll get to meet interns from their offices as well.

I hope I don't like them. I don't want to have to go through the awkward sort-of-friends but-we're-leaving-for-school-in-a-few-weeks and the-grownups-make-us-hang-out thing. It's really not my scene.

I only wish the "Mexican" "food" in Lex looked so good.

But I'm always up for Mexican food. Unless it's Don Tequila's. Then I'm up for binging and purging. That was probably the worst "Mexican" "food" I've ever had the misfortune to ingest. Yes, both of those words absolutely need scare quotes of their own. The only "Mexican" thing about it was the queso-flavored sauce everything they served was drowning in, and as for the "food"... I'm gonna go with false advertising on that one.

You know why today is a great day?

I did something.

I scanned.

One page.

Look at me, earning my money!

1 comment:

Zoltan said...

Bet you can't wait to do this again next summer, eh?