Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Free Cake is Good Cake

Of course everyone in the office thinks my Bus-capades are hysterical. What sympathetic, understanding people. Hmph.

Today is the day I do my share to ruin the environment. It's not what you're thinking.

I'm making copies.

Other than that, Rick gave me a project! I'm really gonna miss my fluff news stories, but I have a feeling we'll be reunited before long.

Basically, we compile and distribute a directory with summaries of the different regulations for generation facilities and transmission lines in each state, complete with contact information. For one reason or another, we haven't updated that information since 2004. Soooo it's my job now to go through every state and get them to send us new information. That means a lot of phone calls.

I started this yesterday, but now for some reason the phones are all broken. At first it was just voicemail and inter-office dialing, which I didn't need. Then it was calls to local outside lines, which I didn't need, and then, inevitably, long-distance stopped working too.
Naturally, calling long-distance was the only way for me to do my project. Looks like I get to read about Suge Knight selling Death Row Records sooner than I thought!

Also, there was a meeting somewhere upstairs, and there was cake left over. Mmmmm delicious.

1 comment:

Zoltan said...

Bring on the adventures on the street! How's the food? Where is Julia? And what about G-town?

Love your work, btw.....