Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Satan's Carriage, 4:30 NY to DC

Me, except without hair.

If you thought the bus-scapades parts I&II, as well as the way up, were bad, you're in for a surprise.

The way down was literally the most miserable experience in my entire life.

Not only was I bummed to be leaving what's-his-name and go back to the daily grind, but the air conditioner was broken. And it was 98 degrees outside.

Luckily the driver left the roof hatches open, so we got a vague semblance of a breeze, but I have never sweated so much in my entire life. I made the mistake of leaning forward, and my back was completely soaked. Ew.

We've just dropped people off in Baltimore and are almost back when it starts raining. The entire bus gets SOAKED because there are giant HOLES in the roof, and we have to pull over so the driver can shut the hatches.

Great. Now there's no air. Literally. I start feeling light-headed and even hotter than ever. Thankfully someone convinces the bus driver it's better to for him to dry out the bus than explain why he let 30 people suffocate, and he opens them back up.

We get in to DC, then I take the metro back to MD, then Quin picks me up and by the time we get home it's like 11:30.

Oh, and we're going in to work the next day at 6 am. Awesome.

The ride for some reason or another took an hour longer than it was supposed to, and my butt was hurting the whole time (the Atlantic doesn't like me, remember?).

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