Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Intern Lunch, Among Other Things

Who knew you could add pictures to these things?

So I got invited to go to a House of Representatives subcommittee hearing on a Carbon Capture and Sequestration Bill yesterday, and for some reason I thought it was today. I was all angsty about what I should wear, getting enough sleep, and learning enough about the bill that I would only be slightly completely lost at the actual hearing.

But. The hearing is on Thursday, not Tuesday. I have that on my computer calendar, my phone calendar, AND my planner. So basically, I definitely should have known and am a giant dummy for getting that wrong.

I'm currently reading legislation. Like, the text, not summaries. It's rough. Although it's better than what I was doing before, which was reading the word-for-word transcripts of congressional debates (Think roll call. For senators. Four times.).

Allegedly theyre giving me something to do soon, but we'll see if that ever happens. The other interns (other than TD from Yale/Iowa, of course) said that they were largely unused the first few days they were here, too, but now they're mega-busy. Hopefully I am too. Although I would be okay with just busy, no mega.

SO. The Intern Lunch.

It was interesting enough, all the interns and their supervisors were there, and there was pizza, so that made things more interesting. And delicious. Each supervisor briefly explained what their department did, and I was suprised at the variety of work EEI does. Quin is in the environmental dept, there was a girl in HR, someone in media relations, economics... Etc, etc, etc. There's also a government affairs (nice-speak for lobbyist) department, but no one was interning there.

After the whole adult thing was over, the interns hung out for another hour, playing ice breaker games. Well, we really only played one game, Two Truths and a Lie, but we sat around talking. And breaking the ice, I guess. ANYWAYS it turns out T.D. is only pretentious around adults, and when it was just the interns, he was really chill. Who knew? The other ones were really nice too, there's one guy who's down the hall from me that's my year at U. Vermont. The others were all older. I guess that makes me the baby.

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