Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Flex-- Feel the Burn!

Bring it on, Friday.

Behold, the awesomeness that is the "Flex Work Week".

I work. 35 hours a week. Whichever days I want!

Which means: (drumroll please...)

3 day weekends! Every week! Woo-hoo!

TGIThursday is tomorrow!

That's pretty much the most exciting thing in my life right now.

For this week's extra weekend day, me, Robin, and Laura (next door neighbor, one year younger than me but surprisingly cool) are going to hike around Cunningham Falls. There's also a lake there, so hopefully I can get rid of my SHORTS TAN.

What I plan on doing with my extra weekend time.

Speaking of things that make me an old person (work, awkward tan lines... I'm practically middle-aged), I am convinced I have a bone spur. There's this hard bump on my middle finger that hurts when I bend my finger (it's like right on the joint) or touch it. Both of which I do. A lot.
So I went on WebMD and such, and apparently bone spurs are like a big thing for people with ARTHRITIS. And AARP memberships.

The moral of the story is: I am old. And a joke.

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